Terminology training

You would like to set up terminology using the Across terminology component crossTerm, but you have not yet used crossTerm.

Or you already use crossTerm, and you would like to enhance your skills and take your terminology work to the next level.

As a beginner, you will learn how to:

  • Create terminology entries
  • Search for entries and use filters
  • Manage terminology

Experienced users will gain deeper insight into:

  • How to manage crossTerm, including instances and filter sets as well as entry and term templates
  • Importing and exporting terminology, with special attention paid to formats, mapping, and import/export templates.
  • Using crossTerm to add and edit entries, use terms, search for terms, and so on.

Training objective

✔ Learn how to use crossTerm effectively.

✔ Learn how to use basic functions autonomously.

✔ Optimize your work with crossTerm.

✔ Customize crossTerm for your corporate processes.

Terminology training – costs and key details

FormatOnline or in-house
Duration8 hours incl. breaks
Price€1,550 plus VAT, travel expenses if necessary
Time frameCan be arranged on a flexible basis, and online training can be held on two dates if required
ParticipantsRecommended: 6