Introductory training on MT

You are interested in the subject of machine translation, but you have many questions concerning the introduction.

Which provider would be suitable for you? How much would the introduction cost, and would you benefit from it? How will the collaboration with the translators proceed, and how can good translation quality be ensured? How can you connect machine translation to Across and what settings need to be made? We will clarify these and many other questions with you.

Perhaps you would also like to ensure that your colleagues do not work with machine translation using websites such as Google or DeepL? We examine how you can continue to ensure data security in the translation process even when machine translation is in use.

You will learn:

  • How machine translation works
  • How you can connect MT systems to Across
  • How your translation process could work with machine translation support
  • How you can include post-editing in the translation process
  • How to optimize your texts for machine translation (pre-editing)

Training objective

✔ Orientation in the field of machine translation

✔ Connection and configuration of machine translation

Introductory MT training – costs and key details

Duration8 hours incl. breaks
Price€1,550 plus VAT
Time frameCan be arranged on a flexible basis and held on two dates if required
ParticipantsRecommended: 6


Would you like to train your own MT?

More information on machine translation from Across is available here.

Learn more about AcrossMT