Exclusive training—2 or 8 hours

You have already been using the Across Language Server for some time, and perhaps you have already created terminology. Time and again, you have some specific questions whose answers you would finally like to get. Or you have very company-specific challenges that you would like to overcome with Across. Based on your specific questions, we develop training tailored to your individual needs.

Your customized training includes:

✔ Training tailored to your unique needs, offered in German or English.

✔ Answers to any questions the users have.

✔ Your Across installation may be accessed remotely if necessary.


  • You formulate your questions in advance. The more specific your questions are, the better our trainer team can prepare.
  • The exclusive Across training will only address user questions. Support and consulting topics are not included in the training and will not be discussed.
  • The focus of the training is on the Across installation, not the connected third-party systems.


Exclusive training – costs and key details

FormatOnline or in-house min. 8 hours
Duration2 or 8 hours 

2 hours: €580 plus VAT, travel expenses if necessary

8 hours: €2,350 plus VAT, travel expenses if necessary

Time frameCan be arranged on a flexible basis, and online training can be held on two dates if required
ParticipantsRecommended: 6