Process consulting

We help you to optimize your translation management processes

Translation management is an area that involves many different corporate processes. Unfortunately, these processes are often outdated, no longer meet today's requirements, or have been rather inefficient from the outset.

Based on our conviction and experience that every process can be optimized, we would be pleased to examine your translation processes together with you. Our objective is to identify processes that consume too much time and money and to zoom in on the optimization potential in your translation management. In this context, we do not only focus on the process steps mapped in your Across system, but also on connected processes, including the communication with upstream and downstream areas.

For example, have you ever asked yourself why you need so many manual steps? Or why the terminology management is so time-consuming? Apart from conveying fundamental knowledge of processes and Across tools, our workshops include an analysis of the weaknesses of your individual processes. This provides you with an opportunity to examine your approach together with your colleagues and jointly develop ideas for possible optimization measures.

As a result of the analysis of the workshops, you will get genuine action recommendations for a translation process that meets your current and future needs.


You will not be disappointed!

Make an appointment for a free initial no-obligations advisory conversation with your contact. We are looking forward to assisting you.

The consulting team is looking forward to hearing from you

Marko Eberhardt

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