
According to your needs: Cost estimates, reporting, scripts, individual optimization measures

Translation means networked thinking and quick implementation. Experience has shown that this is also true when we as consultants align the Across Language Server to your needs.

Customers often approach us, asking whether Across could help them to prepare a cost estimate.

Of course it can! The customization of reports is one of the core areas of activity of the Professional Services. As consultants, we also address issues that often remain below the radar, e.g. the use of context matches. For example, do context matches have the same word price as 100% matches? If so, why?

And then there are optimizations that should be considered and implemented from the outset. Have your colleagues ever asked you something like: "We'll soon need translations for our new XY tool, I'm sending you a sample file in JFENL format. Can we handle that?"

Especially when it comes to new content, regular expressions can be instrumental in significantly cutting both the word volume and translation errors. And should you come to a point at which utilities that come with Across are not sufficient, you can benefit from our scripts that make even JFENL translatable.

Prepare cost estimates, use different file and document formats

No problem! On top of it, our consultants will give you some new ideas.

Contact the team now

Marko Eberhardt

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