
Let us help you to implement the translation processes you need

Benefit from our extensive experience gained in hundreds of projects

Our customers are unique, and so are their requirements, for which we have found and established successful solutions. Together, let us find the best translation processes for you. We will ask you specific questions and actively assist you in implementing your Across system.

Trust in our expertise and let us be your partner.

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Streamline your operations with Across. Together, let us develop and implement a custom-tailored concept that suits your needs. We can help you find the most suitable solution and accompany you on your way there. Trust in our expertise!

  • For the introduction of Across, we will collaborate closely with you in developing and implementing a custom-tailored concept that meets your requirements.
  • We can assist you in adapting your translation management processes to meet evolving requirements and keep pace with your growth.
  • We stay on top of new technology and can help you make the most of them to maximize quality, efficiency, and prices.
  • We will stand by you to ensure that your translation management always suits your needs.

Our consulting services at a glance

Process consulting

Our process consultants can identify which aspects in your translation process consume too much time and money.

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System check

Let us check your server infrastructure and identify any unused potential in the ALS.

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Across Language Portal Solution

Manage projects without e-mail hassle. Use the browser-based language portal, tailored to your processes.

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We can assist you in setting up your terminology and the processes for collecting terminology.

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Ongoing adjustments and optimizations—smart and tuned to your needs from the outset.

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Updates and migration

We can assist you in making sure that all components of the Across Language Server interact smoothly.

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Interfaces and automation

Use our interfaces and connectors to connect all your systems to the Across Language Server.

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Direct contact

Hannah Hallwachs

+49 (0)7248 925 425