Train AcrossMT with your data to achieve top-quality machine translation results

Are you wondering if and which MT is the right one for your translation projects? Start your pilot test with AcrossMT today and test the performance and quality of our machine translation engine. Discover the treasure that is hidden in your own data!


Use your own company data

What makes our MT so special? We train with your own data. This enables you to achieve the best results.

Evaluate the ROI

Gain deep insight into the savings potential of MT with the no-obligation AcrossMT Pilot and evaluate the ROI with valid data.

Objective comparison with the review tool

Use our review tool to objectively compare AcrossMT with its competitors or with human translations. 

Test it without obligation

Pay only for the training with your own data for the pilot test. There are no further obligations. 

The Across Review Tool - Simple but effective

The quality of the translation can be evaluated transparently and objectively with the Across Review Tool. Choosing the right MT has never been easier.

Book your pilot test

Robin Gegenheimer

+49 (0)7248 925 425