Translation management -
simple and secure

with Maximum Translation Quality and Text Consistency

What Is Special about Across

Project management

Whatever the size of the enterprise—the Across Language Server offers professional translation management throughout the supply chain. In this way, the overhead caused by complex tasks in the translation process can be reduced considerably. Regardless of the source text format, all parties involved work on a central platform. Thus, editors and translators can access the same consistent data, and customers can assign projects and track the work progress in a transparent manner. You can easily connect the Across Language Servers of your language service providers or international subsidiaries to your own system.


By means of defined workflows, you can map your individual translation processes to the system. The automation of process steps relieves project managers of the bulk of repetitive tasks. All steps that can be logically mapped and standardized can be automated. For example, the system can assign translation tasks according to the type of document, size, target language, due date, and availability of translators, and the work can be continually monitored for compliance with the deadline. This reduces error sources and ensures more efficient process modeling, especially if the translation volume is large. Further process automation is possible by way of interfaces to interacting systems.

More about automations

Quality Management

The Across Language Server offers functions that help you avoid inconsistencies—even if you are not familiar with the target language. Additionally, standard-compliant release steps can be defined for maximum translation quality.

Proofreading translations in the target country is an important but laborious quality assurance measure. The reviewer might be a product specialist at the local subsidiary, a language service provider, or a freelance translator. To consolidate the various core competencies, Across offers tools for the seamless, transparent implementation of location-independent review processes. Under consideration of their (linguistic) competencies, the persons involved can be granted individual commenting or editing rights. The uniform review process reduces correction times and helps translators avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Project overview

In the Project Management Cockpit, you can streamline your translation management with expanded, customizable functions. You are provided with detailed information on your translation projects, and all changes and comments in the project history can be tracked transparently. If necessary, process-relevant indicators can be presented as dashlets in the Across Dashboard, the start page. For example, you can have your unfinished tasks or upcoming deadlines displayed. On the Dashboard, you can also implement direct links to Across functions, websites, file folders, or programs in the form of dashlets.

Get advice now

Robin Gegenheimer

+49 (0)7248 925 425