New Across v8.0 update available

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The latest update of Across v8.0 is available in version 8.0 7314

The most significant improvements in version 8.0 7314 relate to system security, user experience, performance and quality. 

The system security is increased by the fact that the password for the default supervisor is now set or changed in the Across Setup Configuration and then automatically written in encrypted form to the configuration files of the corresponding Across components.

Various improvements have been implemented in the area of user experience . One example is the color highlighting of text changes in the change history so that they can be seen more quickly. In addition, issues related to drag & drop and copying text from the Target Editor to crossTerm have been fixed.

With regard to performance and quality of Across v8.0, the 25% faster check for the Terminology QM criterion and the improvement of machine translation results for XML files are particularly worth mentioning.

A detailed description of all changes and improvements of the new Across versions can be found in our Release Notes.