Overview of key concepts

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Translation management software supports organizations in the efficient administration of translation projects and processes. It enables the central storage of translations, the coordination of translators, and the automation of workflows in order to ensure the consistency and quality of the translations.

  • Efficiency: Translation management software automates the translation process and reduces manual work such as the assignment of translators, the review of translations, and the coordination of workflows. This saves a lot of time and effort.
  • Consistency: Through central management of translations and terminology, the software ensures consistent use of specialized terminology and wording across all documents, media, and languages.
  • Time and cost savings: Process automation enables organizations to handle translations faster and more inexpensively. Redundant translations and repetitive work can be minimized.
  • Scalability: Translation management software makes it easier for organizations to respond to growing translation needs, as they can seamlessly integrate more translators, more languages, and more projects.
  • Translation quality: The software offers review and checking functions in order to ensure cutting-edge translation quality.
  • Collaboration: Teams of translators, editors, and other parties can effectively collaborate and work on translation projects concurrently.
  • Reporting and analyses: Translation management software provides insight into the progress of projects, the use of resources, and the performance of translators. This facilitates the planning and optimization of workflows.
  • Integration: The integration of translation management software in existing content management systems (CMS), marketing platforms, or other tools enables seamless exchange of data and smooth workflow integration.
  • Compliance and security: For businesses that operate in regulated industries, the software helps to comply with privacy guidelines and securely manage sensitive information.
  • Central control: Enterprises can centrally monitor and administer the translation process, resulting in better planning, organization, and adherence to deadlines.

Usually, translation management software offers functions such as the following:

  • Collaborative translation platform: Multiple translators can work on projects concurrently.
  • Translation workflow automation: Automation of tasks such as assignment, review, and approval.
  • Terminology management: Administration of specialized terminology for consistent translations.
  • Reporting and analysis: Monitoring of the progress of projects and the performance.
  • Integration: Connection to content management systems (CMS) and other tools.
  • Overview of the translation process: Clear overview of the status of each translation project.

  • Faster translation: Machine translation (MT) enables the fast translation of large amounts of text in a very short time. This is especially useful for large documents or projects with a tight deadline.

  • Cost savings: The use of machine translation can reduce translation costs considerably, as human translators are not required for all text passages. This is especially useful for translating recurring content.

  • Pre-translation: Machine translation can be used as pre-translation that can subsequently be reviewed and edited by human translators. This speeds up the translation process and reduces the workload of the translators.

  • Consistency: If duly trained and managed, machine translation can offer the consistent translation of certain expressions or specialized terminology. This contributes to the overall consistency of the translations.

  • Large amounts of content: When translating large amounts of content (e.g. e-commerce product descriptions or technical documentation), machine translation can be employed as the first step, followed by a human review.

  • Efficient processing: Translation management software with integrated machine translation can rationalize the translation workflow by automatically translating certain parts of the text, allowing human translators to concentrate on the more complex aspects.

  • Multilingual projects: For projects with many target languages, machine translation can serve as the starting point, offering translators a basis on which they can build.

To determine which translation management software would be suitable for you, consider the following factors:

  • Company size
  • Projected translation volume
  • Budget
  • Need for integration
  • Integration of machine translation 
  • Service and support
  • Data Storage 

  • Input: Collection and documentation of specialized terminology used in various documents, products or projects.
  • Organization: Structuring and organizing of the collected terminology in a central repository or database. This may include definitions, synonyms, context information, and translations.
  • Definitions: Clear definitions of specialized terms in order to avoid misunderstandings and ensure consistent use.
  • Validation: Review and approval of new or changed terminology entries by experts or teams.
  • Administration: Update, change, and deletion of terminology entries whenever necessary.
  • Communication: Provision of terminology guidelines and databases for various teams, translators, and partners in order to make sure that all involved use the same terms.
  • Integration: Integration of terminology in translation management software or content management systems in order to ensure consistent use in different contexts.
  • Translation: Translation of specialized terms into the target languages for use in multilingual projects in order to enable consistent communication in various languages.

Read the blog post on this topic


MT stands for "machine translation". Generic machine translation systems like DeepL or Google Translate are trained with huge amounts of data from various subject areas and deliver good translations, but are not always suitable for highly specific texts. On the other hand, customizable machine translation systems that are trained with customer-specific data take the respective corporate language and terminology into consideration and thus deliver excellent raw translations that require less post-editing. This is what AcrossMT offers.

Watch the webinar on AcrossMT here an or continue reading here .

The fundamentals of neural machine translation are also explained in the blog.

Translation is part of the localization process. Apart from translation, localization considers all aspects required to ensure that a product, service, or content works effectively and is well understood in a different cultural context.

Translation: Translation refers to the process of transforming content or text from one language into another. The main purpose of translation is to render the content as precisely and understandable as possible in another language. The main focus is on rendering the meaning correctly. Words, sentences, and paragraphs are translated from a source language into a target language, endeavoring to retain the original meaning.

Localization: Localization means more than mere translation. It comprises the entire process of adapting content, products, or services to the cultural, linguistic, technical, and legal requirements of a particular target group or market. Apart from translating texts, this means taking into account cultural nuances, local customs, date formats, currencies, color preferences, and other aspects that impact the comprehension and acceptance by the target group.