Focus on quality and terminology

Professional translation management with Across

Throughout the company, a robust translation process has been implemented to ensure quality, consistent use of corporate terminology, and long-term cost savings.


Industry: Industry

Solution: ALS, interfaces, ALPS, MT

MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Founded in 1927, MEIKO is a market-leading provider of dishwashing, cleaning, and disinfection technology. The medium-sized traditional company headquartered in Offenburg, Germany, at the foot of the beautiful Black Forest, now operates around the globe with subsidiaries on all continents. As a global player, MEIKO markets its products in various areas, e.g. in hotels, restaurants, inflight and marine catering, hospitals, and care homes. MEIKO always has a "clean solution"!


As a result of MEIKO's rapid internationalization, the significance of language greatly increased. With a yearly translation volume of about 2 million words in more than 30 languages, it quickly became clear that the translation orders had to be managed centrally. Throughout the company, a robust translation process was to be implemented to ensure translation quality, use of corporate terminology, and long-term cost savings.


  • Translation costs reduced by approx. 49 percent
  • Reuse of previously approved translations
  • Seamless translation process from the placement of the order to the download of the translated document
  • Employees sensitized to translation costs
  • Improved translation quality through involvement of native correctors in the group
  • Consistent language and higher language quality through the establishment of rule-based, binding corporate terminology
  • Access to the corporate terminology for all employees, enabling them to use the terminology database as "knowledge database"

"When we were setting up a professional translation management system, we found Across to be the ideal partner."

Michèle Staedele
Translation and Terminology Management


For some time, the Across Language Server had already proven to be the ideal solution in MEIKO's technical documentation. Now, thanks to its open interfaces to third-party systems and other factors, it has been extended to all areas of the company.

The use of crossTank, the translation memory of Across, and the associated reuse of previously translated texts had already resulted in a significant reduction in translation costs. The additional integration of DeepL in the translation process has saved even more money and has enabled the efficient use of machine translation in the company.

Moreover, the Across Language Portal has been rolled out. Anybody who needs a document in another language can easily enter the translation order in the language portal via the browser and also download the translated document from there. A cost estimate is automatically generated for every order—the perfect solution to sensitize the staff to translation costs.

To ensure the required translation quality, MEIKO's market organizations have been integrated in the translation process. Meanwhile, native speakers from the subsidiaries review the translations with the help of crossWeb, which provides browser-based access to Across. crossWeb is very easy to use and therefore well received. As a result, corrections are now directly transferred to crossTank. Changes do not need to be entered manually.

Moreover, MEIKO wanted to be able to use the terminology system integrated in Across with its flexible configuration options. "Terminology work is an indispensable part of professional translation management. The establishment of rule-based, binding corporate terminology improves the consistency and quality of our documentation. Moreover, corporate wording enables the streamlining of editorial and translation processes and the reduction of translation costs through optimized use of the translation management system", says Michèle Staedele, who is responsible for translation and terminology management. MEIKO also has a license for crossTerm Now, the web-based application of the terminology system, which provides all employees throughout the company with quick and easy access to corporate terminology, enabling them to use the database as a "knowledge database".

Direct contact

Robin Gegenheimer

+49 (0)7248 925 425