Focus on automation

Automated handling of translation projects with Across

At wolfcraft, an efficient interface concept and the automated assignment of tasks in the translation process make sure that translation jobs are duly processed and completed.


Industry: Industry

Solution: Automation, interfaces, Task Assignment Tool

wolfcraft GmbH

wolfcraft GmbH is a leading German manufacturer of tools and power tool accessories. Founded in 1949, the family business mainly produces for the export market, which accounts for 66 percent of the business.

With its 700 employees around the globe, wolfcraft develops product solutions for perfect DIY and professional work results. The brand offers about 3,000 items, including more than 550 developments protected by patents. Numerous awards, including the "Red Dot Design Award" and the "PLUS X Award" draw attention to wolfcraft's innovative drive.


For wolfcraft, the availability of product texts, user manuals, master data, advertising brochures, videos, and other material in a total of 28 languages plays a key role in ensuring a successful presence in the international markets. In order to efficiently manage this massive translation volume, wolfcraft decided to introduce a translation management system. The system was to be fully integrated in the existing IT infrastructure and enable a highly automated translation process. Accordingly, the connection of SAP Hybris (product information management) and TYPO3 (content management system) was of great significance, and further automation possibilities were needed as well. wolfcraft opted for the Across Language Server.


  • Full handling of all translation jobs via the Across Language Server
  • Transparent project management and status overview
  • Seamless integration of existing PIM and CMS systems
  • High degree of automation through interface to source systems and automated assignment of tasks in the translation process
  • Short time to market for translation jobs, no compromise on quality

"With Across and the automations implemented with the help of Across, we have full control over the translation process in 28 languages. Thus, our product information is always up to date in all languages."

Christian Hurth
Head of Marketing Communications at wolfcraft GmbH


The implementation of the Across Language Server at wolfcraft was coached by Across in a professional manner. The wolfcraft employees involved in the translation processes were trained in the fields of administration, project management, and review and quickly acquired the skills needed to handle the translation management system.

External service providers supported the connection of SAP Hybris and TYPO3, the main sources of content to be translated. The interfaces are designed in such a way that translations can be ordered manually and automatically. For the automatic assignment, Across determines the translation-relevant volume in the two source systems and submits it to the translation workflow at defined intervals. As wolfcraft also uses the task assignment tool of Across, tasks are assigned automatically within the workflow on the basis of defined rules. For example, translation tasks are assigned to the language service provider Alta Lingua, and the internal employees of wolfcraft are responsible for the review.

At wolfcraft, both the project creation from the two source systems and the assignment of tasks in the translation process are automated. This has greatly reduced the project management overhead and the time to market of translation jobs.

Direct contact

Robin Gegenheimer

+49 (0)7248 925 425